Prana, Healing, Health

Aura is defined as a universal energy field that surrounds around the body of people. It forms in an egg-shaped ball that symbolizes physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual energies. Simon Kirlian discovered Aura and he developed a camera named "Kirlian" to take photographs of aura. Charles Webster Leadbeater is the person who popularised aura. It represents physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energies. People should have to control negative energies such as emotions, worry, and fear, otherwise, it affects the physical, emotional feelings of a human being. Fourth Saturday of every November celebrating as International Aura Awareness Day. The aura consists of seven layers or planes such as a physical layer, astral layer, lower layer, higher layer, spiritual layer, intuitional layer, and absolute layer. The first and closest layer to the human body of people is the Physical layer or the Etheric. The layer is increasing when we sleep and decreasing at waking hours. Physical comfort, pleasure, and health is necessary to balance the physical layer. People who are preserving negative emotions or feelings, there will be a darker physical layer around the body. The second layer is the Astral layer. It is also an emotional layer. Because it keeps our emotional backgrounds and experiences with our dear ones. Lower mental is the third layer. It has a relation to ego, thoughts, and beliefs. At the time when the mind is busy with working, studying or while doing something like that, the lower mental aura will enlarge. Aura is changing with mood swings. The fourth is a Higher mental layer. It is linked with the lower metal layer. Some feelings and emotions like self-love, gratitude, selflessness and unconditional love are storing in the higher mental layer. The fifth spiritual aura layer is related to the spirituality of people. This layer describes the connections of people with the surroundings and universe. If you will get a spiritual layer around yourselves and then you can find the same layer in others. Through the connection between the two can teach, learn and share from. An intuitional layer is the sixth and it is also called celestial plane. Our dreams, intuitions, and spiritualities are storing in this layer. And the last and seventh of an aura is the absolute layer. The absolute layer is balancing and coordinating other layers. Aura is surrounding in various colors and each layer of the aura has its own colors. It is originating from Chakras. Aura can form not only around the body of humans but also around planets, animals, trees, etc.
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