
Prana means Vital energy that helps us become alive. you are in a state of health when energy flows through the body properly. when it disturbed, we can call it as a unhealthy state. When the body’s energy is disrupted in some way, when it is prevented from flowing smoothly through the meridians, to and from the chakras, and to and from the organs, a health problem is present. For the body to return to a state of health, these energetic disturbances must be corrected.
The fundamental truth is You can control the supply of prana to improve your health. Prana is a living force. It can be built up and consciously controlled.
The entire physocal universe moves toward homeostasis. All systems in nature move toward balance. Our body is process to seek its equilibrium state to alive (seeks a balanced energetic level) so it naturally become health.
Illnesses manifest in the energy body before they manifest in the physical body. The energy body is the template, or mold, for the physical body; it surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. By treating problems at the energetic level, you can heal the physical body. Additionally, through regular energy-generation exercises and proactive steps to keep the energy body clean, you help prevent physical ailments from occurring and greatly diminish their effects.
Healing occurs in the energy body before it becomes apparent in the physical body. When energy healing is applied to the aura, there can often be rapid and dramatic positive results in the physical body. All the same, there can also be a slight lag time before the healing manifests in the physical body.
The root cause of the energetic imbalance/disturbances that cause many physical ailments is frequently negative thoughts and emotions stored in the body. When you attached to the worldly - Thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and memories contain real energy that is stored unconsciously in the physical body. Our resistance to feeling them or trying to hide them will release their energy in a constructive way causes the problem. When you avoid feeling negative emotions, your body’s musculature physically constricts and holds on to them. Many health problems result from an energetic disturbance ultimately caused by the unconscious mind trapping a negative emotion or limiting belief in the body.
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