Bhagavad Gita

During the period of Iron age India, there is an ancient Hindu religious texts based on old sculptures of Hymns and religious prayers of Hinduism composed in Sanskrit. Vyasa is known as the author of Vedas. Vedas are divided into four basic types. They are Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. Each of the vedas divided into four namely samhitas, aranyakas, brahmanas and upanishads. These four vedas are combined to form Samhitas. Each section of vedas includes Mantra and Brahmana and Brahmana has two sub categories of Interpreting ritual and Philosophy. Vedas are otherwise called Sruti Literature. Rig Veda is one among the most important and largest text of vedic collecction. It comprises of 1028 hymns grouped into 10 mandalas. Each mandala has various parts called Anuvakas and each anuvakas includes number of hymns called Suktas. Combination of group of mantras called Suktas. There are various types of Suktas such as Purusha Sukta, Hiranya garbha Sukta, Dhana-anna-dana sukta, Aksha Sukta, Nasadiya Sukta, Duhsvapna-nashna sukta, Yama-yami-samvada sukta dedicated to Gods Indra, Agni And Soma. Usha Varuna, Usha, Surya, Bhumi etc. Sama Veda is the another oldest vedic literature which comprises of 1594 verses. It is divided into two parts. First onee is four melody collections or Gana and second is three verse books or Arcika. Again Gana is divided into Gramagya and Aranyageya. Arcika is divided into Purvarcika and Utttararcika. Two important Upanishads such as Kena Upanishad and Chandogya Upanishad are included in Sama Veda. Yajur Veda is also an oldest Sanskrit Literature. Some rituals are contributing to Priest for chanting mantras while an individual performed ritual actions in front of fire. Among the three layers of Yajur Veda, the earliest layer comprises of 1875 verses. Youngest layer contains largest group of primary Upanishads such as Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Isha Upanishad, Taittereya Upanishad, Katha Upanishad, Shvelashvatara Upanishad and Maitri Upanishad. In the middle of the Upanishad contains Satapatha Brahmana. There are two types of Yajur Veda. One is Black or Dark and another one is White or Bright. Black is unclear verses called Krishna Paksha and clear verses is called Shukla. Atharva Veda is an ancient vedic literature includes 730 hymns and 6000 mantras. It is divided into 20 books. Mainly Atharva Veda deals with mortal life and it describes about medicines for vaarious purposes. Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya are the three major Upanishads included in Atharva Veda.
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