How to do Nag Panchami Puja

Sanathan Dharma includes Vedic Literatures such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam, Upanishads etc. Maybe we don't have enough time to read all these Vedic scriptures. Instead of that, reading Bhagavad Gita is equal to reading all that Vedic Literatures. Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian mythological text consisting of 700 verses. It is the part of Mahabharat. The person who reads Bhagavad Gita daily will attain spiritual life after death. Bhagavat Gita describes the communication of Lord Krishna to his friend and disciple Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The first is The main intention of Bhagavad Gita is for humans, they are facing problems in day to day life. In order to clear the situations Bhagavad Gita teachings can lead the life with more confidence and productivity. Bhagavad Gita describes the size and nature of the soul. It signifies that there is no difference in the purpose of life between humans and animals. Bhagavad Gita explains that five reasons of Lord Krishna gives confidence to Arjuna. The first one is Atman or the self. It is eternal. Then Lord Krishna asked Ajuna to fight for Dharma, which is honour and duty. This is the second advice of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. The third reason is that inaction is impossible and the fourth reason is that the source of evil is not in actions, but in passion. We have to do what we can without getting bad Karma, it's the fifth and last reason of Lord Krishna. Bhagavad Gita begins with Dharmakshetra Kurukshetra means On the battlefield of duty, On the battlefield of the heart's desire. By reading this people can understand and realise that earth is not a place of punishment. But our duty whatever it maybe, doing it with our own desire. Lord Krishna explains about three important paths that can do without getting bad Karma. Jnana yoga is the first path that means the way of knowledge. The second path is Bhakti yoga. That is the way of devotion and the third is Karma yoga that is the way of action. While reading Bhagavad Gita daily, people can lead the life spiritually. While reading Bhagavad Gita, people can understand the reality of life. So no one will think about the profit. Because after reading this people can understand that after death all of them are turned into ashes. While reading Bhagavad Gita, people are understanding about the reality of life. No one will think about the profit from what was done. After death all of them will turn into ashes. Another realising fact is the supreme reality and power of Lord Krishna. Everyone will think that every action and deed will be dedicated to Lord Krishna. While reading Bhagavad Gita, People will think that " whatever happened was good, whatever happened is good and what will happen in the future will be good. That means people don't want to over think and repent about the past, no worries about the future and just live in the present only.
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