How to do Nag Panchami Puja

Based on Hindu concept, Rudraksha is a sacred bead used for prayers, especially in Shaivism. In Puranas, Rudraksha is obtainable in different faces from one to twenty one. Vedic matters are discussing the 21 rudrakshas. One face Rudraksha. It depicted Lord Shiva. By wearing Ek mukhi rudraksha devotees will get moksha. This rudraksha helped to give relief from severe headaches and other mental diseases. Two face Rudraksha illustrating Ardhanariswara and Moon is the controlling planet in this rudraksha. Ardhanariswara indicates the relationship between husband and wife, spiritually it denotes Shiva and Shakti. By means that, while wearing this rudraksha, people will get a unity in their relationships and through that they will get happiness and peace of mind in life. Three faced Rudraksha is the symbol of Agni deva and depicted trinity Gods. Sun is the ruling planet and by wearing this rudraksha, people will get moksha after death. Four face Rudraksha illustrating Lord Brahma and Goddess Saraswati. By wearing this rudraksha, people will get the power of creativity, increasing mental strength and intelligence. Rudra Kalagni represents Five face Rudraksha and Jupiter is the ruling planet. While wearing panchmukhi rudraksha one can avoid negative impulses coming from planet jupiter. Six face Rudraksha depicting Lord Kartikeya and Mars is the ruling planet. By wearing this rudraksha, people will be free from emotional imbalance and getting high well power. Seven Face Rudraksha is depicting Saptarishis. One who wore 7 face rudraksha will get financial stability. Eight Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Ketu and it represents Lord Ganesh and 8 Goddesses. It helps to destroy evils from the path of success and blessed with prosperity and financial stability. Nine Mukhi Rudraksha represents nine forms of Goddess Durga and it provides Bhogha and Moksha. Ten face Rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu. It is the protector from all the negative energies and it has the ability to conciliate all the planets. All planets are ruling Eleven face Rudraksha. This rudraksha is similar to Ek Mukhi rudraksha and It is providing power of attending 1000 Ashvamedha and 1000 Vajpayee. Sun is the ruling planet of Twelve face Rudraksha and it represents Lord Vishnu. It helps to control stress and worries. Thirteen face Rudraksha depicting Lord Indra and ruling by Venus. It helps to awaken Kundalini energy and power of Vashikaren to the wearer. Lord Hanuman is the representation of Fourteen face Rudraksha and It is the safeguard of negative energies of mars. Fifteen face Rudraksha helps to prevent heart connected diseases and mental depressions. Mars is the ruling god and it illustrated Pashupatinath. Sixteen face Rudraaksha is ruling Moon and it represents the connection of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. By wearing this rudraksha, devotees will get high impact on physically and spiritually. Seventeen face Rudraksha represents Sita blessed with the results of Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha. Eighteen face Rudraksha depicting Goddess Earth. This rudraksha is mainly worn for prosperity. Nineteen face Rudraksha represents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It reached in success and wealth increasing. Twenty face Rudraksha depicts Lord Janardhan and it helps to increase knowledge and creativity in arts. By wearing Twenty One face Rudraksha can attain power to rise up the wealth and it represents Lord Shiva and Lord Kubera. More than that, Other two types of Rudraksha are one is Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is the combination of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Another type is Ganesh Rudraksha helps to destroy obstacles. Garbh Gauri Rudraksha denotes Trimurties Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.
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