Significance of Ashada month

Today, most Hindus are wearing different gems based on the birth month. Generally, they are called birthstones. Each of the gems has its own significance and it is a symbol of wellness and fortune. Twelve months have different twelve gems and it signifies some special features of those stones. Believers know about the two sections of birthstones. One is such nine stones based on the nine planets and second in twelve birthstones based on the months in a year. The nine birthstones based on planets are Ruby, Pearl, Mon stone Red Coral, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, and Amethyst. For the devotees who want to know more about birthstones, Vedicmatters helps you as a guide and explains it below. Here listing the names of twelve birthstones. They are Garnet, Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl or Alexandrite, Ruby, Peridot, Sapphire, Tourmaline or Opal, Citrine and Topaz and Turquoise. Garnet is considered the birthstone of January. Dark red coloured these stones are worn for protection. Yet, Garnet indicates another feature that is a high refractive index. The appearance and refractive index of that stone gives the viewers about the emission of light. Garnet wearing people bring love, luck, health, etc.. to those people. Amethyst is the purple-coloured birthstone of February. It means ```not drunk". It is treated as a psychic stone to protect from devils and also from diseases and infections. There are different amethyst birthstones which indicate as the remarkable stone of divinity and contentment. Aquamarine is the birthstone of March. By wearing it, people can reduce fluid retention in the body. Let the people be free from physical and mental stress by wearing this stone. It also helps to cool the body. Diamond is the birthstone of April. In modern times, it is considered as the important and hardest stone. While wearing this stone, people can bring peace and calmness and also it makes them confident and happy. Moreover, they can achieve positive energy and comfort life. Emerald is the birthstone of May. It is considered as the symbol of rebirth and love. While wearing this stone, it helps to protect from speech difficulties, allergies, and other respiratory problems. It is also believed that Emerald has antidote power against poison. Pearl or Alexandrite is the birthstone of June. Mainly wearing this stone removes the evil effects of the moon. It inspires love and faith. Physically, it increases the beauty. It also provides cooling energy and creates balance. Ruby is the birthstone of July. While wearing ruby stone, people can bring positive energy. It helps to balance the financial problems. Moreover, it will protect from diseases related to eyes, heart, etc and also it makes the bones stronger. Peridot is the birthstone of August. Mainly it acts as a protector from negative emotions and brings happiness and warmth in the lives of people. It increases strength by reducing anxiety and physically it protects the liver and gallbladder. Sapphire is the birthstone of September. It is considered as the strongest and fastest acting gemstone. While wearing Sapphire stone, people can improve their focus and concentration. People can find new opportunities and can experience unexpected luck. It provides good health and energetic performance. In October there are two birthstones such as Tourmaline and Opal. Tourmaline increases self-confidence. It provides a link between the earth and the human spirit. With the help of this stone, people can fight off any nightmare and horrific lucid dreams. While Opal is a transformative stone and it helps to protect from diseases. People can bring good luck and positivity while wearing an Opal birthstone. Citrine and Topaz are the two birthstones of November. Citrine represents love and affection. It helps to clear the negativity and induces positive energy. Citrine brings success and self-confidence. Citrine properties make it the best stone to create dreams. While Topaz helps to get relief from depression, worries, and regrets. Topaz brings success in knowledge, wealth etc..Yet this stone brings joy, generosity and good health. Turquoise is the birthstone of December. Physically Turquoise stone helps to cure problems like asthma, depression, viral infection etc..It brings peace and calmness to mind and life. While wearing Turquoise, Hindus believed to protect from negative energy and bad omens.
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