Prana, Healing, Health

Surya Namaskar or Salute to the Sun is an ancient method of Yoga mainly for physical, mental and spiritual improvements. It comprises chain of 12 steps or 'asana such as Pranamasana, Hastauttanasana, Hasta Padasana, Ashwa Sanchwanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskara, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Hasta padasana, Hastauttanasana and Tadasana and these steps are followed by chanting mantras. Hasta Padasana and Hastauttaanasana are repeating while doing. Sun rise or Sun set is the best time to do Surya Namaskar in an empty stomach. Slow pace, medium pace and fast pace are the three paces of Surya Namaskar. While we are doing Surya Namaskar, we will get some benefits not only in the case of mentally, but also physically and spiritually. It is also a cardio-respiratory exercise. Our body and mind will refresh through the practice of surya namaskar. It will increase blood circulation in our body and it gives glow to our skin and face. Surya Namaskar is a good practice to lose the weight and through that, metabolism will improve. It will increase the ability to concentrate. By doing surya namaskar, vata, pita and kapha is balancing. It will increase immunity power. According to science, Surya Namaskar is better than walking because it includes whole body exercises. The first Prarthanasan will helps to balance the body. Uttanasan helps to get flexible waist and spine and also it strengthen the muscles. Ekpad prasarnasan helps to strengthen the muscles. Chalurang dandasan helps the arms strengthened and Ashtangasan and Bhujangasan helps the muscles strengthened. While doing Surya Namaskar daily in this proper way, we will get a positive and vibrant energy in our body and mind.
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