Significance of Ashada month

In Vedic astrology Saturn or Shani is revolving around an appropriate house of horoscope is called Saturn transit. Every seven years, Saturn is moving to other sign because it takes 28 to 29 years to complete full circle and by analysing horoscope, an astrologer can predict the upcoming effects in a personal life. At the beginning of the year 2020, in the period of Aries, Saturn will move from Sagittarius sign. Since from 24th January 2020, Saturn transiting from Sagittarius sign to Capricorn. On 11th May 2020 Saturn will turn away the position and gradually become progressive on 29th May. Saturn is related with justice and discipline. Because Saturn guides to the right way and it will be punishable when do anything wrong. Eleventh and tenth house, known as Karma House and saturn will rule the house in the year 2020. It denoting that if you are planning to start a new work, before 11th may is the best time to do that because time of the inverted motion of saturn will create difficulty in your efforts and results will delay. It cause stress and tensions and will affect your life. In the zodiac of Taurus, ninth and tenth house from your moon sign is ruled by saturn. From 24th January saturn will transit into ninth house and this may lead to the disparity in your family. There are chances of disappointments due to job. You will have to control your speech due to transit of Rahu because your words may hurt someone. Gemini horoscope in 2020, eight and ninth house is ruled by saturn and eight house is transiting during the month of January. This may cause delay in work, Unexpected problems may come but good time period for foreign journeys. Don't take important decisions related to career. Seventh and eight house is ruled by saturn in the zodiac of Cancer. Saturn will remain in the seventh house. people may suffer due to mental instability. You will have to control while driving. In the zodiac of Leo, saturn is transiting at sixth house. In the zodiac of Virgo, saturn position is fifth house. Obstacles will happen when you continue your studies. Don't take your owwn decisions to start business. In your work, you will have to face challenges. In the zodiac of Libra, fourth house is the position of saturn. You will get a lot of chances to start a business. Stomach and skin diseases may affect you. There will be financial improvements in your life. In the zodiac of Scorpio, saturn transit in third house. Avoid your lazines, otherwise it will affect your productivity. You will get better financial conditions from middle to end of this year. Saturn will rule the second house in the zodiac of Sagittarius. Helping of father will clear your worse financial situation. You will get double benefits. Second phase is ruled by saturn in the zodiac of Capricorn. It will affect your health, Your confidence may arise and achieve success. In the zodiac of Aquarius, saturn is ruled the twelfth house. Problems will happen with your partner. you will get good financial situations. Last zodiac Pisces, saturn is the Lord of eleventh and twelfth house, but eleventh house is the position of saturn. You will get good health conditions in this period.
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