Bhagavad Gita

According to Hindu mythology, OM is considered as the Primordial spiritual sound begins at the time of ancient and medieval era and it is called the Shabda-Brahman. It is one of the important spiritual sound and it has different meanings in Upanishad. OM is created from the beginning and end of the chapters of Vedas and Upanishads. Pranava is the syllable of the sound OM and it is first specified in Mandukya Upanishad. OM is divided into four essential elements. The first three elements are vocal sounds such as A, U, M and the fourth one is silent or unheard. On the basis of Upanishad, Universe began with a big bang, but according to Vedanta, big bang is actually OM. According to Vayu Purana, AUM is the portrayal of Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and these sounds indicates three vedas such as Rig Veda, Sama Veda and Yajur Veda. Actually AUM is the sound of creator, preserver and destroyer. The first A adjures to Brahma, because he is the creator. The second U adjures to Vishnu, he is known as the preserver. The third and last M denotes Shiva, because he is the destroyer. A is pronounced as "awe", U is pronounced as "oo" and M is pronounced as "mmmm". Shiva Purana emphasising the relation between Lord Shiva and Pranava or OM. OM is chanted at the beginning and ending of yoga sessions. OM is vibrating at 432HZ sound frequency. OM is known as the monarch of all mantras because all mantras and bija mantras are developed from this sound. People can achieve some benefits while chanting OM daily. It will increase the power of concentrations, removing negativity, relief from stress, feeling more energised and controlling emotions. OM is the real vibration of the universe because all the sounds are originated from the sound OM.
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