Prana, Healing, Health

People are doing meditation to get a free mind by clean forgetting of anxieties and tensions in daily life. It doesn't mean to suppress one's thoughts or tensions, but will refresh your mind and promote positive energy. Meditation will not change a person completely, but it will assure to get a matured identity about life and will look forward to observe without any judgement. Breathing and relaxation are the two basic needs to focus on before meditation. Meditations are many types but most of them has four major elements in common. The first important element is a quiet location. People will never get any distractions while meditating in a quiet and calm location. That is why suggesting quiet location for meditation. The second important element is a particular comfortable posture. Sitting or walking whatever it maybe, a comfortable posture is always helpful while meditating. Because if there is a strict posture for people with physical problems, it maybe interfere with postoperative meditation. The third important element is focus of attention. People will have to concentrate on a particular words or any other objects because while concentrate on meditation will avoid or clear the unnecessary anxieties or worries from the mind. The last and fourth important element is an open attitude Even if meditating in a quiet place, people will have chances to drawn the attention physically and mentally. Don't think about the other distractions as coming and going while meditating. Regular practice of meditation will provide certain benefits in every one's daily life. People who are aware unnecessarily about past or future, meditation is the best way to control the emotions such as anger, guilt, fear, frustrations and controlling interpersonal conflicts also. Meditation is always a good exercise for brain to enhance positive ingredient as focus improvement. It is one of the simple medicine to manage symptoms of conditions such as chronic pain, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, bowel syndrome etc. Meditation is not only about physical and mental improvements, but also about spiritual meditation. Spiritual meditation has doesn't matter about religion. Because it is dealing with the interconnection of human beings. While doing spiritual meditation, people will realise about real self and after that focusing on the benefits of others. Meditation has also been proven to raise body's chemicals such as Endorphins, Serotonic etc.
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