
Mantra Shastra

Mantra Shastra is one of the earliest sciences of Yoga.   It is the study of sound, sound production,  the effect of sound formation,  cosmic vibration and elevation of consciousness.   The Indian Mantra is founded on the basic of spiritual implementation and the power of sabdha.   Basically Mantra Shastra includes the activation of nadis,  rhythm and chanting methods of mantra.   Also,  they have 3 different features.   Study of Mantra,  Sadhana/Upasana and philosophy of Sadhana/Spiritual philosophy.   Mantra is divided into 2 as Dhvani and Varna.   Sequences and arrangements of words to form a sentence through merging of varnas called Vyakarana.   There are seven essential varnas.   They are "a",  "e",  "u", "ae",  "o",  "am",  "aH."   "a" is the beginning called Varanadi and "H" originates from the above varnas.   To develop as "aH",  H is mixed with "a" and produced Muladhara.   Sapta Matrikas is the basic for all the forms of sounds and they are Brahmi,  Vaishnavi,  Maheswari,  Indrani,  Varahi,  Kaumari,  Chamundi.   Letters and vowels are allocated to 7 matrikas in Hindu custom.   There are different types of Mantras like Bija-Mantras,  Nama-Mantras and Dharani.   Bija-Mantras includes only a single letter,  but some Bija-Mantras are composed of compound letters.   People can hear Anahata but can't produced.   Ahata is the production of sound through the contract,  vibration and obstruction.