Significance of Ashada month

Lunar Eclipse appears when the moon travels between earth and sun. Then earth blocked the sun rays from reaching the moon and the moon turns to reddish or orange in colour. There are three main types of Lunar eclipses. They are Penumbral Lunar Eclipses, Partial Lunar Eclipses and Total Lunar Eclipses. Penumbral Lunar Eclipses is appears when the moon is moving through earth's atmosphere. Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when part of moon is moving through earth's shadow and it is partial. The last one Total Lunar Eclipse is occurs when the whole moon is moving through earth's umbral. The next Penumbral Lunar eclipse is coming on January 2020. On January, penumbral eclipse is visible of the parts from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The next penumbral lunar eclipse is visualising from the parts of South AMerica, Africa and most of Asia and Australia. July 5 is the next time for the visibility of penumbral lunar eclipse from the parts of North America, South America, Africa and most of Asia and Australia. During the time of total lunar eclipses, moon became red in colour because the light passing from the sun through earth is scattered toward the moon. Some other colours are blocked and dispersed by earth's atmosphere. People can directly sky watch without the help of telescope or any other equipment. It doesn't occur every month but it happens two to five times in a year. Also Lunar Eclipse can influence body as well as foods that we eat and our surroundings. People should be avoid certain habits at that time. Lunar eclipse may cause certain tide effects because of the gravitational pull. Another problem that can affect the body is lack of sleep. Because the light is increasing outside will affect sleep as disturbances.
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