
Jagaddala - Ancient university of india

Jagaddala Mahavira was a popular Buddhist monastery that was founded by King Ramapala of the Pala dynasty. It is a seat of learning in Varendra which is currently in North Bengal in Bangladesh. Jagaddala is considered the largest construction work done by the Pala dynasty. 

History says Vajrayana Buddhism was a specialization in Jagaddala. The text of Kanjur and Tengjur were said to be composed or copied at Jagaddala. People believe that towards the end of the 11th century or the beginning of the 12th century, Vidyakara composed the earliest dated anthology of Sanskrit Verse, the Subhasita Ratna Kosa at Jagaddala. 

When Muslim incursion occurred in 1204, Sakyasribaddha fled to Tibet. He was a Kashmiri Scholar. Sukumar Dutt was a historian who said that the destruction of Jagaddala began in 1207.