Significance of Ashada month

Today most of the people from all the religions are believing in astrology to some extent. Parents want to prepare the horoscope very early based on the time and place where human life begins. Their lives are changing according to the horoscope. when a child was born, people are approaching astrologer to choose the right time and day for their children's education, job or like that. Other than that, at the time to start a business or buy a vehicle and so on, choosing the perfect time and day. Because, According to Hindu mythology, they are believing that every action that starts from this will give a happy and satisfying result. Child born time decides his or her star or "Nakshatra". Each of the natal charts includes 12 signs of the zodiac and each zodiac includes 27 stars. But the star with zodiac will guide our personality characteristics and life patterns. In every month, these zodiac and star reveal the strength and weakness of a person. By knowing that, people can take precautions for the upcoming incident. And it will change through planetary movement. Astrology is not only emphasising about individual matters but also it will explain about the upcoming happenings in our world too. Astrologers are predicting about upcoming disasters like that. Astrology is the belief that the position of stars and the movement of planets affects every individual's outlook and actions. By analysing horoscope, an astrologer is telling the past, present and future of a person. Astrology includes the position of the sun, moon and other celestial objects at the time of birth and changing the position and movement of planets will decide the life of an individual as may be good or bad. By checking horoscope, astrologers can understand the real character of that person. Zodiac signs of the star constellations describe money, relationship, education, job and so on. At the time when a child was born, he or she should have a house and a star. Horoscope matching is important for marriage also. Because compatibility of bride and groom is calculating by analysing the horoscope. If the calculations are done right with the correct time and place of birth, one can predict the compatibility between bride and groom. For a Hindu wedding, they are choosing a particular time for marriage and other functions after marriage. So in every aspect, people are depending on astrology in every matters like birth, studies, job, house warming, wedding and so on.
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