Bhagavad Gita

Panchamukhi Rudraksha has also included spiritual as well as divine powers. It represents Panchabhootas such as sky, air, fire, water and earth. By wearing Pancha mukhi rudraksha, people can remove human ability such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha and Ahankar. Lord Shiva is the ruling God of Panch mukhi rudraksha. People who wear this rudraksha will be free from the malefic effects of the ruling planet jupiter. According to Hindu belief, If a person is wearing ruraksha will have a full of sincerity and worship in their mind and it will cleaned all the sins that they did. Panchamukhi rudraksha is wearing on the auspicious day of Monday by chanting mantra "Om Hreem Namah". By chanting this mantra with wearing rudraksha can attain the blessings of five Gods. This bead is that much strong. Because Panch mukhi rudraksha includes the blessings of five gods such as Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Lord Vishnu, Surya deva and Goddess Bhagawati. Pancha mukhi rudraksha helps not only spiritually, but also physically and mentally . While wearing Pancha mukhi rudraksha , it helps to bring positive energy and that positive energy leads to peace of mind and providing good health. It will be good for preventing heart related problems and helps to decrease the sugar level and obesity. Through wearing this bead, one will get a better respiratory systems without any ailments. This bead wearing person cannot affect unfortunate death. This rudraksha is beneficiary for the students which helps to improve memory power and helps to achieve academic excellence. Mainly Pancha mukhi rudraksha is used for Japa. Take three beads of Pancha mukhi rudraksha and dipped in a glass of water overnight. Next day drink that water on empty stomach in early morning, then the person will get relief from blood pressure and related diseases.
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