Bhagavad Gita

Gayatri Mantra is otherwise called as Savitri Mantra. Because it means that from which all this is born. Gayatri Mantra includes three components such as Pranava, Vyahruti and Gayatri. Vyahruti is originated from Pranava, Gayatri came from Vyahruti and three vedas are came from Gayatri ssuch as Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda and Gayatri Mantra is emerged in Rig Veda. Goddess Gayatri is known as "Mother of Vedas" It includes 24 syllables. According to Hindu dharma, Gayatri mantra is very important for Brahman at the time of Upanayana, it's like a marriage ceremony for young males to start the basic study of mantras. It is mainly considered as adoration, meditation and prayer. Gayatri Mantra is chanting as "Aum Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yona Prachodayat. Gayatri mantra is starting with AUM. It is called Pranava because it is originating from "Prana or Vital vibration. " When chanting AUM, A derives from throat and it represents waking. U is derives from flowing over the tongue and it represents dreaming. M derives from the ends of the lips and it represents sleeping. Each of the words in mantra has their own meanings. AUM is the totality of all the words that comes out from human throat. Bhur Bhuva Svah denotes the physical existence, astral existence and casual existence. Tat Savitur Varenium denotes Tat means that and through speech it defies the universal reality or God, Divine Sun. Varenium denotes adore. Bhargo denotes glow. Devasya denotes God's grace. Dheemahi means we are looking, Dhi means intellect, Ya means who, Na means ours and Prachodayat means praying. " The meaning of Gayatri mantra is the "Prayer to the creator of three dimensions such as Bhur Loga, Bhuva Loga, Swarga Loga, We are thinking upon you divine light. May God boost our intellect and grant upon us true knowledge. Adoration, Meditation and Prayer are the three parts described in Gayatri Mantra.
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