Significance of Ashada month

According to Hindu mythology, the Sun is the chief of Navagraha among the nine Indian classical planets. He is considered as the creator of the universe. Sun has twelve different names and each name has different meanings also. Mitra, Ravi, Surya, Bhanu, Khaga, Pushan, Hiranyagarba, Maricha, Aditya, Savitra, Bhaskara and Arka. Here Vedicmatters gives a small description of the synonyms of Sun. Mitra is the first name of Sun. The meaning of Mitra is "The friend of all". It refers to one of the protectors of treatise and it is related to the light of dawn and the morning sun. The specific feature of Mitra is that Varuna is the Lord of the cosmic rhythm of the sun and other celestial spheres which at the early morning, Mitra shines which was covered by Varuna in the evening. Ravi is another name of Sun and it means "Praised by all". It denotes that as attractive as Ravi brings colours to life. Next synonym of Sun is Surya. The meaning of Surya is "The guide of all'. In ancient literature, Surya is a Sanskrit word that denotes the sun. Once Surya was associated with Trimoorties and Lord Ganesha. Now there are famous temples dedicated to Surya. Next name of Sun is Bhanu. The meaning of Bhanu is "The bestower of beauty". Khaga is another synonym of Sun and it means "Stimulator of the senses". The next synonym of Sun is Pusham. It means "The nourisher of all". Hiranyagarbha is another name of Sun. It means "The Creator". As stated in Hindu philosophy, Hiranyagarbha is the source of creation of the whole universe and it is the seeded womb. Sun has another synonym Maricha and it means "Destroyer of Disease". Maricha is another synonym of Sun. The meaning of Maricha is "Destroyer of Disease". Aditya is known as another name of Sun which means "The inspirer". He is the son of Aditi. In Hindu cosmology, Aditya is given lordship over celestial constellations called Nakshatras or Jyotish. Aditya is responsible for the proper functioning of the universe. According to Vedic mythology, Savitr is the representation of the Sun, the sun before sunrise. The meaning of Savitr is "The arouser". He is the lord which has mobility and stationary and he is known as the supporter of the cosmos and protector of all beings. Arka is another representation of the sun which means "Flash of Warmth". Arka is the ancient and prominent name of the sun. The last and twelfth name of the sun is Bhaskara which means "Liberator".
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