Significance of Ashada month

Most of the people are depending on astrology to eradicate sorrows. For distress humanity, it is an art also a science. There are two prominent types of astrology such as Western astrology and Vedic astrology. Here Vedic matters are broadly describing the differences between Western astrology and Vedic astrology. The main difference is Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac, depends on the revolving sun around the earth while Vedic astrology uses sidereal zodiac, depends on the physical positions of the constellations in the sky. In Western astrology, the idea of combustion is rarely used. But Vedic astrologers are using combustion as a fundamental principle. Here Western astrologers are describing eight lunar phases, but don't evaluate Lunar strength generally. Vedic astrology provides major importance on the Lunar phase and describes thirty different Tithis. Western astrologers are analysing two matching profiles by examining the position of planets in each others house. At the same time, Vedic astrology is comparing two partner's compatibility by examining the moon position. Aspect patterns such as Grand Trine, T-Square, Grand Cross, Yod were used in Western astrology, but Vedic astrology did not use these patterns. Nakshatras are used for Dasa calculations and for other works in Vedic astrology, but in Western astrology, lunar mansions are also rarely used. In Western astrology, one of many houses is used. In Vedic astrology, whole sign houses are used. Signs are different in Vedic astrology meanwhile, widely used planets are the signs in Western astrology. Western astrologers have applied seven whole chart shapes but Vedic astrologers are applied whole chart patterns. In Western astrology, all planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto with visible planets are used. But Vedic astrology stands firm only to the visible planets. In Western astrology, planets are residing the sign opposite to the debilitated sign. In Vedic astrology, there are no weak sign positions. In Western astrology, Comet Chiron and four major asteroids are added to the charts, but in Vedic astrology chart is added only Upagrahas and Sahams. In Western astrology, there is no use of Varga or divisional charts. In Vedic astrology, Varga or Divisional charts are necessary for predicting. In Vedic astrology, planets disposition is considered as the Soul of the planet. In Western astrology, the centre of attention to western astrology is rare to the disposition of the planets. Planet strength is not used in the Western astrology and In Vedic astrology, planet strength is used. Fragile retrograde planets are included in the Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, strong retrograde planets are included.
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