Significance of Ashada month

According to Hindu belief, birth stars or Nakshatra plays an important role in Indian Vedic astrology. Each of the twenty-seven birth stars shows peculiar features. Here Vedicmatters describes the characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra. Aswini Nakshatra is considered as the first birth star in the zodiac among 27 stars or nakshatra. It has a place in the constellation known as Aries. Each birth star has a peculiar Lord, symbol, deity. In Aswini nakshatra, Ketu is considered as Lord and Horseman is the symbol. Mushti is the tree and wild eagle is the bird of Aswini nakshatra. This nakshatra has both Guna and Dosh. Sattwa is the Guna and Vata is the Dosh. Beta Arietis is considered as the astronomical name of Aswini nakshatra. 7 and 9 is the lucky number of Aswini Nakshatra. The ruling planet of Aswini Nakshatra is Ketu and Ganesha is the ruling deity of the planet Ketu. When same birth stars came to different gender-based persons of male and female, there will be small character differences. That means a person who is born in some nakshatra with different gender have partial variations in their characteristics. Like that, in a male and female person characteristics of Aswini birth star influencing partially. Generally, the persons who are born in Aswini Nakshatra will be calm and quiet. There is a saying about Aswini nakshatra males that "even Yama, the God of Death" cannot change his rigid attitude. But he will be loveable and faithful to those who love him. He understands others and does not hesitate to sacrifice for others. The person who is born in Aswini Nakshatra is intellectuals. Family attachment is very high for those who are born in Aswini nakshatra. They are possessing so much love towards them, but sometimes their stubbornness and bad attitude may be the reason for the dislike from their own people. Professionally they could be seen as being a jack of all traders. He is the best guide for the people in agony. Once he starts to do work, he will stand firmly in that. Whether it may be good or bad, no one can easily influence him. He is the firm devotee of God. But he doesn't believe in a room for religious or spiritual matters. He is a modern orthodox believer and he follows modern methods. In the case of females, there are some small differences from males in characteristics. Females will be pure-hearted and owners of sweet speech. So, she can attract everyone with her sweet words. For Aswini female natives, the medical or administrative profession is regarded as the best career to choose. But they are not very careerists. They wished to be involved in social works too and may involve in family works also. Mainly Hindu believers are analysed to check the birth stars for a start. Each Nakshatra is favourable and unfavourable to start new activities. Here Aswini Nakshatra is favourable to begin to study new things, taking medicines, wearing jewellery or ornaments, laying foundations, renaming etc. Unfavourable activities of Aswini Nakshatra are conducting marriage functions, emotional and sexual activities, intoxication etc.
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