Vastu Shastra

Shri Yantra or Shri Chakra is one of the important advantageous diagram to full fill all worldly wishes through inner cosmic powers. Shri Yantra is abide with nine inter linked triangles that indicate cosmos and the human body and it surrounded a centralised point known as Bindu. Karnakala is the centre of bindu and it has another three bindus red, white and mixed. Red is a female or a mother Kurukula and it gives five dhatus. White denotes a male or father Varahi gives four dhatus. Mixed is the union of Shiva and Shakti. Shri Yantra is also considered as Rajayantra or Queen of Yantras. Due to the nine triangles inside the circle, Shri Yantra is also known as Nava Chakra and it is the image of Tripura Sundari, beauty of three worlds Bhu Loka, Bhuvar Loka and Swar Loka. Two-dimensional representation of Shri Yantra is embodied to two dimensional is known as Mahameru because Shri Yantra is the ancestor of all yantras because all yantras are originated from Shri Yantra. Trailokya Mohana or Bhupara, Sarva Aasha Paripuraka, Sarva Samkshobhana, Sarva Saubhagyadayaka, Sarva Arthasadhaka, Sarva Rakshakara, Sarva Rogahara, Sarva Siddhiprada and Sarva Anandamaya are the nine Mandalas of Shri Yantra. Every line, triangle and Lotus petal represents Shakti. Outer square of Shri Yantra is the earth element. There is a "T" shape structure denotes the gates of four directions and entry points of the yantra. Three circles in Shri Yantra indicate past, present and future. Petals in Shri Yantra represents ten organs and five elements of "Panchabhutas". Nine triangles of Shri Yantra represents the nine stages of the growth of the human child in the womb of the mother.
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