What is Sree Yanthra(Sri Chakra)?
Vastu Shastra is a conventional Indian Science of architecture depicting about layout, design, measurements, ground preparation and so on. Vastu Shastra is originated from Sthapatya Veda, its a part of one of four Vedas named Atharva Veda. People are pursuing Vastu Shastra when build a house or any other constructions like temples, offices, furniture etc. The primary Vastu Shastra rules are about directions and elements of nature. Our world combines with 5 elements of nature named earth, water, air, fire, and space called Pancha Bootas, and the essential thing is that there is always a hidden and continual link between Pancha Bootas. Through that Vastu Shastra increasing positive energy and erasing negative energy. Vastu Purush is the ruling idol for the construction of structures and buildings. The primary rules of Vastu Shastra is based on the directions and elements of nature. Vastu Shastra is based on natural energies such as solar energy, lunar energy, sky energy, cosmic energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy and light energy. The basic rules of Vastu Shastra is based on the 8 directions they have. They are North, North East, East, East South, South, South West, West, West North. Each of the directions are depicting different Gods. East direction represents King of Gods called Lord Indra, South East direction denoting Lord of Fire Agni, South direction representing Yama called God of death, South West direction is governed by Niruti and west direction is representing Lord of Rains called Lord Varun and North West direction representing Lord Vayu and at the last one North direction is depicting God of Wealth called Lord Kubera. The distinct field of Vastu Shastra starting from selection of a place to the planning and implementation of design or the construction of building and finally to the Grihapravesh of new home. By following the rules of Vastu Shastra people can build up the relationship stronger. In order to avoid the negativity from your life and construct a new building by implementing the rules of Vastu Shastra as much as possible.
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