Kaya Kalpa
Kaya Kalpa is a set of specific ancient treatments included in Ayurveda to reverse the natural transformation of body due to age. It helps to remove all the impurities which causes ageing process. It includes different types of therapies such as Herbal or mineral preparations, Breathing practices, Lifestyle guidelines and Constitutional assessments. We can understand Kaya Kalpa as a science on the basis of the functioning of human system and these systems such as Physical body, mind, bio-magnetism, life-force, sexual vital fluid are also interconnected. Kaya Kalpa treatment is guarded by Siddhas or Saints of South India and it is decomposing all the impurities in the body. Kaya Kalpa treatment is ongoing through various steps. The beginning is to spend three months in a hut where light doesn't enter. Panchakarma detoxification technique is used for the purification of the body. Each organ system has three different therapies like medicinal plants, leeches, sweating and vomiting for detoxification. After removing impurities from the body food controlling is the next step to do at the time of treatment. Abhyanga massages, mineral baths, Shirodhana, sacred oils and precious gems are used for the consecration of body. After that restore the body by using Rasayana herbs and fresh juices because it is full of anti oxidants. Patients has Spa therapy at every morning and after that they wants to engaged in doing tapas, meditation, chanting mantras and practising yoga breath. Kaya Kalpa Yoga increases the energy level and it gives long life. Through Kaya Kalpa Yoga, sexual energy will transmute into spiritual energy and it slow down the natural ageing process. Kaya Kalpa Yoga has two exercises such as Aswini Mudra and Ojas breathing. Through the exercise of Aswini Mudra, nervous system in the body strengthened completely. Sahasrara Chakra, the pineal gland activates due to Ojas breathing exercise. Kaya Kalpa treatment is processing through different stages. Before starting Panchakarma therapy, Snehapanam is very necessary because that is an oral intake of a medicated ghee for internal purification. During Panchakarma therapy, virechana drugs induces to avoid excessive pitta dosha. In order to clear and strengthen the nasal passage Nasyam treatment allows to breathe repeatedly and quickly. There are three main types of Vastis such as Kashaya vasti, Uttaravasti, Snehavasti. All vata disorders are eliminated by the treatment of Sneha Vasti. Dhara is one of the important treatment in Ayurveda and it gives relief from mental tension, hallucination and severe headaches. Applying stream oil to the full body is Pizhichil and it is a type of Sarvangdhara. Njavarakizhi is a type of massaging for sweating. Oil is poured into the hollow cells to get a relaxing effect on stressed eyes is Tharpanam. Nirovasthi treatment is used for nervous system disorders and this ayurvedic treatment is the process of applying herbal oils on the head for a particular period. Treatment is ending with Karnapurna treatment. It is increasing hearing capacity and improves better nervous signal to the brain. More over that, Kayakalpa is a good practice for physical and mental health.
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