Benefits of Tulasi
Tulasi is a sacred plant for Hindu customs and commonly used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda. Rama Tulasi, Krishna Tulasi and Vana Tulasi are the various types of Tulasi. As a medicinal plant, Tulasi is used for the treatments of headache, kidney stones, skin diseases, insect bites and so on. By applying Tulasi paste on forehead will get sudden relief from headache. Ringworm, skin disorders are healing by the help of Tulasi. To cure fever, Tulasi leaves are used for steaming and Tulasi juice helps to cure cough. The whole plant of Tulasi has the use of medicinal treatment. It will reduce stress, provides healthy heart, balancing blood sugar. Antibiotic, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Anticarcinogenic properties are included in this holy plant. Tulasi is known as the "Queen of Herbs". It is an effective pain killer. Tulasi has an antioxidant capacity and it increased testosterone. It helps to prevent heart diseases by reducing cholesterol in the body. According to Hindu belief, the house where there is a plant of Tulasi death will not enter. Tulasi leaves are using to make garland for marriage. In Hindu custom, blending of Tulasi with water given to dying to uplift the departing soul to heaven. Hindus are worshipped Tulasi as the Goddess Lakshmi and Tulasi leaves are used to worship God Vishnu and his Avatars named Krishna and Rama.
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