Nine Planetary Gods in Hinduism

Ratha Saptami is an auspicious festival of Hindus conducting on Saptami in Shukla Paksha of Magha. This day is regarded as the birthday of God Surya. Mainly Surya is represented as the God that gives the source of life. So Surya has placed an important position among Navagrahas or nine planets. The whole of India, especially most of the Indian farmers pay attention to the auspicious day of Ratha Saptami. But devotees are worshipping both Vishnu and Surya on this day. At this time, Sun travels from south-east to north-east and this day depicting the changing of the spring season to the harvesting season. When Ratha Saptami rituals start, devotees wake up early morning and taking bath before sunrise. While doing these rituals at early morning symbolises that he is known as "Aarogya'' and "Aishwarya Datha". It will provide fresh sun rays and reviving energy. After that devotee chants Adithya Hridayam, Surya Ashtakam and Surya Shathakam stotram. Through that people can bring good health, wealth and success in life. During the time of worshipping god Surya, chanting Aruna Prashna is very powerful. After the prayer completed, devotees are worshipping As per Hindu mythology, there is a story behind Ratha Saptamifestival. Yashovarma, one of the Kamboj Empire's king was always sad of didn't have a child for his kingdom. At last, he was blessed with a son after conducts a lot of prayers to god. But the king continued his vows and his son was affected a deadly disease. One day, a saint visited the king and advised that his son should implement a Ratha Saptami puja to wash out the sins that had done in his past. The king heard the words of the saint and his son performed Ratha Saptami pooja and his condition was restored and ruled his kingdom. Another belief among Hindus is that Sage Agasthiyar informed Lord Rama to conduct Ratha Saptami puja as the worship of Lord Surya to defeat Ravana in the war. Before the war, he also gave Aditya Hrudayam upadesam to Lord Rama.
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