
As an Indian classical dance, Kuchipudi originated in Andhra Pradesh.Mainly this traditional dance form was first performed by boys.
Kuchipudi - As an Indian classical dance
It is a type of Tandava and Lasya components. Among the four Abhinayas, Kuchipudi is unique. They are Angika, Vachika Aharya and Satvika. A lot of fast rhythmic foot movements show the highlights of Kuchipudi. Before starting Kuchipudi, some rituals were conducted. After that Soothradhara appeared with the musicians on stage. Plays the musical instruments and announces the title of the dance drama. After that on the stage, two people came on stage by holding a curtain. Dancer is standing behind the curtain in the mask of Lord Ganesha. At first, the dancer worship Ganapathi and continues with the performances on stage.
There was a story behind the origin of Kuchipudi. Once there was an orphan brought up in a village called Srikakulam. In that village had the custom that one who brought up in the village had to marry in the childhood period. However, For further Vedic studies, he went to Udupi and adopted the name, Sidhendra Yogi. After that, he returned to his village Srikakulam. But the villagers compelled him to go to his wife's house to take on the family responsibilities. On his journey, he came upon a river. While he was swimming the river immediately he understood that he can't swim any longer. He prayed to God to cross the river. He vowed to become a monk if he did that. At last, he crossed the river and settled in the village of Kuchelapuram. There he started teaching religious affairs to Brahmin boys and began to instruct them in devotional dance dramas.
In ancient times, girls were not allowed to learn this dance and brahmin boys were the only ones performing Kuchipudi at temples. But later boys and girls are performing Kuchipudi on stage. Religious themes were the content of that dance dramas. Yet, these devotional plays were presented to God in the tradition of Natya Shastra. To perform Kuchipudi on stage, musical instruments such as Mridangam, Manjura, Kanjira, Surpeti, Venu and Tanpura are used. The main difference compared to other art forms is Taranganam, which is the use of a brass plate and a small pot while dancing. Placed a water contained pot on the head at the same time dancing by standing on the brass plate. Dancers are performing while standing on the brass plate and putting the pot on their head along with the rhythm of Carnatic music. Artists were applied light makeup and ornaments such as Rakudi, Chandra Vanki, Adda bhasa, Kasina Sara were used to perform Kuchipudi. Among the four Abhinayas, Kuchipudi is unique. They areAngika, Vachika Aharya and Satvika. A lot of fast rhythmic foot movements show the highlights of Kuchipudi.
Before starting Kuchipudi, some rituals were conducted. After that Soothradhara appeared with the musicians on stage. Plays the musical instruments and announces the title of the dance drama. After that on the stage, two people came on stage by holding a curtain. Dancer is standing behind the curtain in the mask of Lord Ganesha. At first, the dancer worship Ganapathi and continues with the performances on stage.
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