Nine Planetary Gods in Hinduism

For Hindus, fasting is a divine act where the main intention is to refine the body and mind through spiritual power. Hindu believers are performing different types of fasting such as Ekadashi Vrat, Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat, Pradosh Vrat, Ashtami Vrat, Weekdays Vrat, Vinayaka Chaturthi Vrat, Shivaratri Vrat, Shasti Vrat, Purnima Vrat and Rohini Vrat. Fasting doesn't mean not eating. In certain cases, it is necessary to avoid some food and instead of that adding some other foods. In the case of nonvegetarian food habit people, if they desired to take fasting, then they want to strictly avoid meat, egg and fish types of nonvegetarian food. Instead of that, allowing them to eat vegetarian food only until the end of fasting. But in some cases of vegetarian people, they want to avoid rice, barley, wheat, and other types of food. Instead of that allowing them to eat fruits or snacks throughout the day. Here Vedic matters are describing the rituals and significance behind fasting or Vrata. Ekadashi Vrat Ekadashi Vrat is conducted on 11th Tithi in Hindu calendar. Devotees practise Ekadashi fasting twice a month. One on Shukla Paksha and another on Krishna Paksha. For the blessings of Lord Vishnu, devotees take fasting for three days without meals. It is necessary to avoid meals on that day. But they can take a single meal in the afternoon a day before the fasting day. Devotees can stop the fasting on the next day only after sunrise. On that day, Devotees are not allowed to eat meals, grains and cereals. Instead of that, they offered fruits, snacks etc. When the day begins, devotees wake up early in the morning and a bath followed by prayers and chants. During the time of Ekadashi, devotees have to remember only about Lord Krishna and his Avatars. They want to chant the mantra, Hare Krishna. It is auspicious to read Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam on that day. Some of the people are taking Nirjala fasting in Ekadashi. Devotees don't even take a drop of water. But some others are avoiding food except water. Among some people, they are eating only fruits and milk. Next group of people are taking non-grain food like vegetables, nuts etc. People will get different benefits while practising Ekadashi fasting. During that time, devotees will engage in spiritual activity and spend time chanting the mantra of Lord Vishnu. Increasing the real faith and devotion to Lord Krishna through fasting. Hindu belief is that fasting is the best solution to be freed from all kinds of sinful activities. Ekadashi fasting is stopping by eating grains or milk or fruits.
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