Nine Planetary Gods in Hinduism

Today, most of the Hindus are devoting and representing the Ganges river to Mother Goddess. It is originating from the Himalayas. Hindu devotees stated that the Ganges river has a lot of benefits in many ways. Spiritually, the Ganges river is mainly used for conducting pujas. According to the oldest Hindu text, Agni Purana states that the place where Ganga water reaches can purify the place from all the sins. Yet, Ganges water is used for medical purposes to cure some of the diseases such as acidity, diabetes, blood pressure etc. As religious belief describes that bathing in river Ganges will cleanse our body and soul. Among Hindus, Ganges river water is necessary during the time of birth and death. After the birth of a baby, Ganga Jal will sprinkle the house and the people to purify. At the same time, it will also be used before death. If a person is going to die, then Ganges water will pour into the mouth. It indicates that died after consuming a drop of Ganges water will give salvation after death. A few drops of Ganges Jal pouring into the body shows that everything "Pavitra". A lot of research work proved the fact that chemical compositions consisting of this holy water have the capacity for healing some deadly diseases. It will never lose its goodness for years due to the self-cleaning things in the water.
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